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10 Benefits of Using an Education Agent

There are so many benefits of using an education agent to secure admission for your studies abroad. But before we look into the benefits of using an education agent, it’s important to understand who an education agent is.

An education agents assist international students to secure a place in a foreign school. They guide you through the process of choosing a school and enrolling in the right institution suited for you.


Education agents also help reduce the stress of choosing a school in another country, by understanding your options, they help you find the right university, college or school in your country of interest and assist you with applying for a course.


Education agents do more than helping you with the application process or finding a suitable college or university, they also can also advise you on other matters such student visa, entry requirements, registration, insurance, fees and finding accommodation and more.


Now you know what services education agents offer, let us look at these 10 benefits of using education agents





A good education agent will:

  • conduct an interview to understand your needs and goals
  • make suggestions and give you recommendations for the best institutions and programs to help you reach your goals
  • assist you to gather all of the documents you will need for your application process
  • guide you step by step throughout the application process
  • advice and guide you through the visa process once you have been accepted by an institution
  • help you prepare for the move and your arrival to your study destination
  • Make arrangement for airport pick-up and accommodation ( this depends on the agent)
  • May provide assistance in finding a job (specialized agents)
  • Advise students on how to fund their studies and how to save money, by informing them about scholarships, student discounts, travel savings and price comparisons.
  • Many education agents build strong relationships with the students they work with, and keep in contact with them throughout the student’s time in college or university, ensuring they are satisfied with their educational experience.


Do you want to study in Canada, China, Ukraine, Cyprus and need an experienced education agent? Contact us now by filling this form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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