How to Write a Reference Letter for Canadian Immigration Application
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How to Write a Reference Letter for Canadian Immigration Application

a letter of reference should have the following components:

Be written on company letterhead
Be signed by the responsible officer/supervisor
Have the responsible officer/manager’s name and job title printed beneath the signature.
Include the company’s contact information.

Why is it necessary to invest in an Immigration Consultant?

Why is it necessary to invest in an Immigration Consultant?

A lot of people feel that it is not really necessary to invest in Immigration Consultant when they can do everything by themselves online. They often ask me, why is it necessary to invest in an immigration consultant? The small investment in obtaining professional assistance with the immigration application process makes sense for the following…

10 Benefits of Using an Education Agent
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10 Benefits of Using an Education Agent

There are so many benefits of using an education agent to secure admission for your studies abroad. But before we look into the benefits of using an education agent, it’s important to understand who an education agent is. An education agents assist international students to secure a place in a foreign school. They guide you…